Thursday, May 29, 2008

Interim Conference Minister Called

The Conference Council of the Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ met on May 17, 2008. At that meeting we received a recommendation from the Conference Personnel Committee to call Reverend Phil Hart as the interim conference minister of the Illinois Conference.

That recommendation was accepted, unanimously, by conference council, and Reverend Hart has been called to serve as our interim.

Reverend Phil Hart has standing in the Central Southeast Ohio Association. He has served most recently as the interim conference minister of the Ohio Conference. His education and his professional training include a Masters of Theology, a Masters of Divinity, and training as an intentional interim.

After reviewing a dozen profiles and interviewing 3 candidates for interim conference minister, the interim search committee unanimously recommended Reverend Phil Hart to the conference personnel committee. Pastor’s professional references were able to assure us of his abilities as an administrator, leader, and team member.

We have experienced Reverend Hart as a non-anxious person whose faith is apparent in the words he writes and the words he speaks. His presence reflects a mature self-confidence that is not invasive or overwhelming. Pastor speaks well, writes well, and listens well.

Special thanks to Reverend Judy Harris (Prairie Association), Reverend Wanda Seydel (Western Association and conference 1st vice president), Carol Holden (Fox Valley Association), and Sammie Dortch (Chicago Metropolitan Association, chair of the conference personnel committee) for their willingness to invest their time in the interim conference minister search process.

Pastor Hart does plan to be with us during the Illinois Conference Annual Meeting in Bloomington in June. Please – If you attend the annual meeting, take time to meet Reverend Phil Hart and welcome him to the Illinois Conference.

Conference Council, Illinois Conference, United Church of Christ
Harold Harmison, president

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