Saturday, April 5, 2008

A Letter to our Family of Faith

To the Illinois Conference, our family of faith,

For the last several weeks, the media and certain political forces have been rolling and rumbling around us, the United Church of Christ. Much of this turmoil has focused on Trinity United Church of Christ and certain statements made by the Reverend Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. These comments, taken out of context, have been repeated endlessly and, at least as viewed by some, with malice and for political gain.

We are witnessing is an unacceptable attack on the United Church of Christ. For all our diversity and all our autonomy, we are one. We are united as the body of Christ, and it is simply wrong for us to watch this media-fed frenzy without responding. As disciples of our crucified and risen Savior, we are called to speak out against injustice. We must Speak our Faith!

The Council of the Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ met on Saturday, March 29, 2008, and discussed this issue at length. The Conference Council recommends that UCC members and congregations prayerfully consider the following recommendations:

· Pray. Prayer is a constant in our lives. It lifts up those who need to feel they have family who care and it helps each of us focus on what we can do to touch the lives of those who feel alone. Hold Trinity United Church of Christ, its pastors and its members in your personal and congregational prayers.
· Join in Worship. As you are able, plan to worship at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago between now and Pentecost (Sunday, May 11). Yes, for many of us who live outside the Chicago metropolitan area, getting to Trinity United Church of Christ may be a challenge. But, these are people of faith who would do the same for us, any time and any day.
· Fund. Help the United Church of Christ fund a one-page advertisement in the New York Times regarding the United Church of Christ and Trinity United Church of Christ. A copy of this advertisement is attached and appeared April 2, 2008. The Council decided the Illinois Conference would donate a minimum of $7,000 to help underwrite the cost of this advertisement.
· Evangelize. Assist the Illinois Conference in funding a minimum of another $7,000, to be used within the Illinois Conference to proclaim who we are and whose we are as the United Church of Christ, as well as showing support for Trinity United Church of Christ. Creative suggestions are welcome!
· Become Informed. Visit the blog spot “” This blog spot will do much to educate each of us more about Trinity United Church of Christ.
· Express your support. When you visit the “,” express prayers and concerns for our faith family at Trinity United Church of Christ.

Finally, you and your church CAN assist the Illinois Conference in this effort. Yours and your church’s financial contribution will help meet the pledged costs. Please send your financial support to:
“Speaking Our Faith” Initiative
Illinois Conference
United Church of Christ
1840 Westchester Boulevard
Westchester, IL 60054

We are the United Church of Christ. We are blessed by our diversity. We are a church of open ideas, extravagant welcome, and evangelical courage. While we do not require uniformity of belief, we are united in our faith in our crucified and risen savior, Jesus, who reminded us that our neighbor is everyone who believes in the Still Speaking God. Please join us in Speaking our Faith to the community and the world!

Yours in the struggle for justice and peace,

Reverend Jorge Morales Mr. Harold Harmison
Associate Conference Minister President