Tuesday, February 19, 2008

January News -- Interim Conference Minister Search

The Interim Conference Minister Search Committee, called in accordance with the Illinois Conference constitution includes the following members/associations. Please note that two members were added to the committee in order to have each Association represented:

Harold Harmison, Conference President, Eastern Association
Rev. Wanda Seydel, Conference Vice president, Western Association
Sammie Dortch, Personnel Committee Chair, Chicago Metropolitan Association
Carol Holden, moderator, Fox Valley Association
Rev. Judy Harris, Associate Pastor. First Congregational United Church of Christ in DeKalb, Prairie Association. Rev. Harris was selected by the Prairie Association to replace Rev. Rita Root who resigned to assume the call to be CMA's interim Co-Minister.

Although the Committee meets with Lorin Cope, Minister of Conference Relations, National Church Office, his role is strictly advisory in that he gathers profiles and answers process questions. The selection of the interim Conference Minister is the committee's responsibility.

We will continue to communicate with you as this process moves forward. Please, include us in your prayers.

The Interim Conference Minister Search Committee

1 comment:

Harlette Smith Washington said...

Thank you for establishing this site. This gives us another opportunity as a conference to have the latest up-to-date information as it comes out of the Conference's think tank. Maybe, even in those moments when we need an instant Conference wide-conversation for the Council, this could be a way to do.

However the Chicago Metropolitan Association can be helpful to you as you step early into your role as Conference Council President, just give us a call or email. We are all as strong as the weakess of us in spirit and in truth.

Harlette Smith Washington
CMA Moderator